Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thunder Bay Resort

For my second project in JRN 521 I was given the opportunity to shoot landscape and animal life.

Thunder Bay Resort is located in Hillman, Michigan, about 2 1/2 hours north of Mt. Pleasant. At Thunder Bay they lodge families, couples, and singles and host a sleigh ride for a day. You wait in a lobby where you are served meals, if you don't want to spoil your dinner, and wait till the horses are prepared and the sleigh is set up. Once the driver, Al, picks you up, the owner Jack begins your tour and informs you that you we will be on the sleigh for fifteen minutes and then taken to his third log cabin where his wife, Jan, has prepared a five course me. After the meal isover you are back on the sleigh and going through acres of property in search of some Elk.







  1. is that a moose? i've never seen a moose before

  2. I love the color and angle of the second photo. The last one has that orange construction fencing at the right which is a little distracting.

  3. haha i didn't even notice that fencing, thanks!!

  4. the stream/river is my favorite one. its simple and pretty. =)
